You can hear her voice in the English Exploradio clips.

Check out Sij's Youtube-Channel .

Her real name is Sylvia Hashimwe but everybody calls her Sij! She is a youtuber, TV host, photographer and historian. Sij holds a Master's degree in Spanish and Spanish culture and is also a translator for English and Spanish. In addition she holds an honors degree in history and has been passionate about this topic for as long as she can remember. Sij is a go-getter who believes in actions.

You can hear her voice in the German Exploradio clips and Podcast. Find out more about Jana on her website & Instagram.

Jana Marie Backhaus-Tors is an actress, voice-artist and writer with a Bachelor's degree in African Studies. She fell in love with Namibia during her time as a radio presenter for a German station in Windhoek. Jana is a storyteller, creative problem-solver and loves to think outside the box. Besides Exploradio she is narrating audiobooks and featuring as part of the main cast in a Namibian sitcom.

You can visit Bahia's blog here and follow her on Instagram @mrsfoxontherun !

Bahia Fox is a Freelance Copy Writer with a Bachelor's degree in International Trade Management.  The passionate traveler currently lives in South Africa and captures her adventures in words and pictures on her travel blog, which she describes as a place to capture the beauty of the world and its people. Bahia also has a big love for environmentally friendly transformations in the economy.

Lisa Zmugg works as Head of marketing for a daily newspaper in Austria. She holds not only a Master's degree in teaching with a focal point in History, politics and Ethics but also studied African Studies with a specialization on history and politics. Lisa already delved into the topic of Africa when writing her master thesis, spezializing on socio-political developments in education & romantic relationships during the German colonial occupation in today's Namibia.

Lisa Ossenbrink is a German-British correspondent and author reporting from Southern Africa for German and international media in multimedia formats. Bylines in Al Jazeera and dpa, among others. Lisa holds a Master's degree in Journalism, Media & Globalisation with a specialisation on politics. Her topics range from women's right over history and colonialism to climate crisis and energy.

Ale Hahn is a social worker and Africanist in the making. She is currently studying her Master's degree in African Studies at the University of Leipzig and will finish her education with a final year at the University of Namibia. She is now extending her love for words by being part of the Exploradio writers team.

Jana Marie Backhaus-Tors


Sylvie Sij Hashimwe

Tel: +264 81 382 5712